All About Silicone Posts


I have written many blogs about silicone and art and painting. Sometimes just to organize my own thoughts, sometimes to vent, sometimes to display the things that I created in joy but mainly to inform and assist others.

Here are different topics I have written for your education or at the very least, for your enjoyment. 

Click on the Title for the blog

  1. * Welcome and Hello 
  2. * What You Need To Know About Silicone 
  3. * Prepping Silicone Kits 
  4. * Why Doesn't My Silicone Stick 
  5. * Artists, Stores and Websites for EVERYTHING 
  6. * Silicone Doll Kits ~ Who are they? 
  7. * Pacifier/Nipples for Silicone Dolls 
  8. * Thick Silicone Flanges – too thick? 
  9. * Putting Eyes into Silicone 
  10. * Silicone Bum Inserts 
  11. * Needles for Rooting Silicone 
  12. * Rings for Silicone Kits 

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