

Tuesday, 15 August 2017

Errors in Trials

Yes, even after many years of painting there are still errors in trials.

I love painting all mediums. Resin is no exception.
Because resin is non-porous, the paint will just sit on the surface of the doll. It wont absorb.
This makes blending a lot more difficult.
Sometimes the paint comes out more looking like water spots.

Also, its harder to not have your paint rub off with resin. 
Think of it this way:  your little one painting on your bathroom glass mirror. As much as you would be perturbed, it wouldn't be hard to just scrub/scratch it off.
Same applies with non-porous resin.
A few greasy hand holding and the paint can slip right off.
So I am always looking for ways to make the paint be permanent.

One day I decided to take a trip to a downtown art supply store.They recommended a product that would cause my piece to have 'grit'.... in turn allowing the paint to adhere better..
ohhhh I liked the concept!!! And ALWAYS worth a try. 
I do love playing!!!

I've wanted to paint a BJD for a while now and thought this was worth a go. Trying a new paint technique on a doll I've never painted before felt like a very clean slate to experiment with.

Followed directions.
Played with brushes and colors.
Found out the product does peel off with wet erasing.

A bit disappointed but happy to have practised a bit with an unfamiliar element.

I will try again.
Now armed with a whole lot more knowledge.

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