

Friday, 26 January 2024

Asa as a Girl

 Most of the babies I sculpt I see boy. I wonder if it's because I've only given birth to boys. But for some reason by the end, it's always a boy I make.

But lots of painters want to know what they would look like as a girl.

So here is Asa as a she.

Friday, 19 January 2024

Asa ~ part 2

 Asa turned out so sweet I wanted to make him into silicone but I have been worried that because his head is quite large people would be shy of the weight and size.

But I still needed to try.

Here he is in silicone. His head is 15"in circumference and weighs 3 pounds. Makes a 22/23-inch baby.

Asa ~ portrait sculpt of Baby Lyric

 Finishing a project has always been hard for me. I get about 85 percent done and then I just stop and move on. I have at least 40 projects around my studio that need finishing. There is a psychology to this form of creativity but that's not what this post is about.

This post is about Asa

When I first started sculpting Asa, I was already in the middle of sculpting a different face. The other face was a portrait sculpt, a newborn named Frankie. But I got stuck on Frankie cause I didn't know how to sculpt a few of his details. So I wanted to practice but not on Frankie. So I started another head for practice. Where I didn't care if I made mistakes, I could just play.

As I played, it became better. And then I needed another photo for reference. That is when Lyrics pictures came up. Love this little munchkin. This is the son of Chantel Bagaus

But this head was only for practice!! 

LOL, well he was turning out better than I had hoped and I started falling in love. However, I then came across the same issues I did with Frankie. This time, I had to power through. 

The outcome? What was supposed to be a newborn transformed into a 0/3 month baby! If you're a sculptor then you know why.

This was the process.....

So this is where I start to like him. But then I have no idea how to finish him. And I know what whatever I add is probably gonna wreck him. 
So I bake him!

And then I work on ears and the rest of his head.
