

Thursday, 11 August 2022

Kimi by Noemi Noe Roarks

 There are no words for this girl... just an emotion of love and want.

Here is my process of bringing this girl to life


Update on my Creativity

I've gotten a few messages lately asking where I've been; creatively.

I've had an enormous amount on my plate these last few months and yet have stalled a bit creatively. Honestly, I haven't physically done much but mentally have moved mountains.

I wanna just address the elephant in the room that is hovering really only in my head. I am almost done with my Poe edition... but it still feels like miles and miles away from completion. Just to write this out (probably only for my own sake) I still have to:
Put them on bodies
Arrange their individual outfits
Create their little going-away packages
Photo them

They are all painted. Some are rooted. Some will just stay bald, which seems to be the public consensus. 
But I look at them and I just stop.
I don't want to keep going. 
Am I afraid???? Yes... I am so scared they won't be as well received as what I imagined in my head. What my amazing husband has bragged about. What my lovely friend has encouraged over. 

I am so proud of what I have done... created something out of nothing with so much effort and managed to take it from the start to almost completion that I think I don't want to have anyone not love it as much as I do.  There is so much love and effort and dreaming in Poe that if any response is less than what I imagined I think I would be so deflated.
How do sculptors do this?????
It doesn't feel like when I paint a baby.... it feels way more personal. 

So I have been stuck with this creative monstrosity for almost 4 years now. Then I've had some ideas that I am still working on. I wanted to create an ethnic paint palette but my first attempt didn't go so well... fast forward to today and I am still working on it.  

I've also started a commerce website and I still am at the point where I haven't clicked 'public' to it yet. Again, this worry that I haven't thought of everything before it goes live. This worry that it won't really be so well received. 

I've painted a few dolls but I am being pulled between wanting to sculpt and wanting to paint and the one winning is the sneaky little jerk called Limbo. 

Add on to Family Life where I have 4 teenage sons that are changing and growing and independently progressing so fast that I feel like I am on a zip-line,..... well you can see where the mental has taken the brunt of my time.

There is so so so much more than has happened in the year 2022. Enough to make this one feel like I am carrying a backpack of bricks on my back and yet there isn't a whole lot to show creatively for.
 Anyone else have this happen to them?
Would you like to share your experience with me?
I am all ears <3