

Tuesday, 20 July 2021

Elliot by Izzy Zhao

 This baby is one of celebration.


As many of you know we pour and cast for MacPherson Arts & Crafts. They have been our exclusive company for the last year and a half. Most wonderful company ever and we love them to death,

But Izzy Zhao asked if we would pour and produce her CLAY head into a Silicone Cuddle Edition. An honor and such an incredible opportunity but also a very serious responsibility I stressed about. We mold off vinyl...not clay. This was a chapter we were not experienced in.

But she believed in us and now we have ELLIOT! 

I couldn't be more proud!!!!

And to top this DELIGHTFUL cake off I was asked to do the Prototype!!!!

Here is 


Of course, I had to see what an Ellie would look like...