

Thursday, 14 December 2017

A Little Bit Of Sweetness ~ Benny Hill

There are many people I have admired thru the years of collecting dolls and making them.

Dianna Effner was my first role model as a 13 year old girl starting to make dolls. I would spend hours dreaming over her sculpts in doll magazines. I still get inspired from her work. Never in a million years would I ever have thought I would have met her. In 2012, at a doll show,  I got to meet and converse with this amazingly sincere woman. 

Next is Linda Webb. When I started actually reborning years ago,  I was obsessed with her sculpts. A most beloved Emily was everyones all time favorite. I got the honor and mind blowing privilege to be her proto type artist for her first full body silicone just a year and some ago.

And of course there is Cheryl Hill. A famous and well loved artist that is one of the most cherished amoung collectors. Her one of a kinds have been the joy in many peoples homes. Including me. I have collected her work since the beginning and still drool for hours over her past work.

Recently, I have had the immense pleasure to be able to communicate with Cheryl. Such a sweet woman!! She has granted me the privilege to bring her first silicone sculpt to the public. I will be making her prototype.
My heart is full.

I will also be responsible for the entire edition to come after the proto-type... so stay tuned for some INCREDIBLE NEWS about this sculpt.

I present to you